6 ways to make your home more secure


Being the victim of burglary is the worst nightmare of many and having effective home security in place should be the priority of any homeowner.

The monetary cost of being burgled is one thing, but the fear and emotional trauma a home invasion leaves in its wake are much more long-lasting.

Everyone should feel safe and secure in your home and a burglary is the one sure-fire way to ensure this is no longer the case.

Here are 6 of the most effective burglar-proofing strategies you can use to help make your home as secure as possible.

1. Install a timer

If you are driving down any street at night, a quick glance at the houses either side will give you a good idea of who is home and who isn’t.

For a burglar, this information will be used to pick a target that appears to be unoccupied and will give them the best chance of getting in and out without detection.

For this reason, maintaining the appearance of being at home, even when you have gone out, is a great home protection method.

The best way to do this is to install a timer in your home.

A timer is a cost-effective device that will turn your lights or other electronic devices on at a set time at night.

Premium versions allow for multiple cycles which can create a very convincing illusion, turning off the TV and the bedroom lights on at a certain time to create the image of someone heading to bed.

This may seem like too simple a method to actually be effective, but most burglars are opportunists who aren’t interested in doing days of surveillance and will simply choose the easiest looking target.

A timer helps to make sure this isn’t you.

2. Avoid hiding spare keys

That spare key you have stashed under a flowerpot or welcome mat is probably not as well hidden as you think.

Burglars will be more than aware of the common places people keep their spare key, so consider instead leaving a key with a trusted neighbour or close friend.

Another option is to install a hidden secure keypad lockbox on your property containing your spare key.

3. Reinforce Windows

Breaking a window in order to access the lock is a popular technique among thieves.

To make this more of a challenge consider either upgrading your existing windows to the latest reinforced double or triple glazing or applying some anti-penetration film to the glass.

This film adds a completely clear additional layer to your windows, making the glass shatter resistant and much harder to compromise using force.

4. Keep your garden well maintained

An overgrown garden, packed with tall overgrown bushes and trees offers burglars plenty of excellent hiding spots.

Actively landscaping your garden to deter thieves is an underrated but highly effective security measure as if a potential intruder cannot see a way to approach your property without being exposed to both residents and passers-by, they will likely just move on.

General security advice recommends keeping your hedges to a maximum of just two feet, especially between your property and the street.

You should also make sure that shrubbery does not obstruct your exterior lighting in any way, as this will create a shadowy and gloomy environment for criminals to thrive.

5. Check who is at the door

Distraction burglary is a common tactic used by thieves, with one person tasked with keeping residents occupied at the front door whilst the other sneaks into the house from the back or side.

Always check who is at the front door using a peephole, smart doorbell, or chain, and never open for a stranger without the appropriate identification.

Make sure to arrange specific times with services companies and for council visits to avoid confusion and remember the old adage “if in doubt keep them out”.

6. Invest in security systems

A security system is essential to maximising your home security and deterring criminals.

A property with CCTV installation Glasgow and a good burglar alarm system are a burglar’s nightmare, and it is highly unlikely that your property will be targeted by a criminal who is aware they are in place.

To ensure that your security system is most effective as a deterrent, ensure that you place the installing company’s signs in highly visible areas on your property, letting intruders know that they will trigger an alarm and be captured on CCTV if they attempt to proceed.

If for some reason, a burglar continues despite the obvious warning signs, your alarm will alert residents and neighbours to the incident, and CCTV footage can be used by the police to find and convict the perpetrator.