The Importance of Asbestos Inspection

Many homes built before the 1990s may contain Asbestos. This fire-resistant mineral can pose a health risk if it becomes disturbed or damaged.

If the material becomes airborne, it can be inhaled and cause scarring of the lungs, called mesothelioma. To avoid this, getting a proper inspection by an asbestos inspection Adelaide is essential.

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is the name given to a group of six fibrous silicate minerals. Its fibres are so fine that they can only be seen under an electron microscope, and, once inhaled, they lodge deep in the lungs, where they cause scar tissue and cancer cells to form over 40 years. While Asbestos has been banned in many countries, it is still used in some construction materials. It was a popular material before the 1970s and is usually found in duct and pipe insulation, ceiling tiles, cement asbestos siding and floor coverings.

Asbestos fibres can be released into the air when handling or tearing asbestos-containing materials, significantly if the material is damaged or deteriorating. This can occur if the Asbestos is friable, meaning it can be crumbled by hand. If Asbestos is not disturbed and remains in good condition, it is generally not a health risk and does not need removal. For a more important source about asbestos inspection Adelaide, click here. 

If Asbestos containing material is in good condition, a professional inspection will usually recommend that it be left in place. However, if the material is slightly damaged or exposed to high amounts of vibration or airflow, it should be sealed or encapsulated to protect against disturbances.

Exposure to Asbestos is associated with various respiratory diseases and can cause mesothelioma (a cancer of the lung lining) and other forms of chest disease. People exposed to Asbestos in the workplace are particularly at risk, including transport workers, miners, factory workers and tradespeople such as builders, plumbers, painters, insulators, and electricians. This is why all states and territories have workplace health and safety laws explaining the duty of care for employees and employers. For a more important source about asbestos inspection Adelaide, click here. 

Do I need to have Asbestos removed?

Asbestos is considered dangerous if it becomes airborne, which could be inhaled into the lungs and cause various health problems. This includes asbestosis, a chronic illness that makes breathing more complex over time, eventually leading to death. It can also lead to other types of cancers, including mesothelioma and lung cancer. The latency period for these illnesses can take anywhere from 20 to 50 years, so if you suspect you are experiencing any symptoms of asbestos exposure, you should see your doctor immediately.

If asbestos-containing materials are in good condition and pose no health hazard, no laws or regulations require them to be removed. However, if a renovation or demolition activity may disturb these materials, a professional inspection must be carried out before commencing the work.

Having a professional inspect your property and then identifying the type of materials that contain Asbestos is the best way to ensure your safety. You must choose a professional asbestos inspector who is experienced and highly reputable. They should be licensed and accredited and have a proven track record. They should also be able to provide you with references from previous clients.

Several types of asbestos inspection Adelaide are available, depending on your needs and the property in question. The Visual Only package is most common and can be particularly helpful when buying a new property where samples cannot be taken without damaging the building. The Visual + Samples package is more comprehensive. It is a popular option for those planning renovations or wanting to ensure their property is safe for themselves and their family.

Beware of bargain-basement testing services, as they will likely use non-NATA-accredited laboratories and charge hidden fees. Always choose a NATA-accredited laboratory when seeking an asbestos inspection in Adelaide. Asbestos was widely used in buildings across Australia in the twentieth century, and many older houses in South Australia still have Asbestos in their walls, flooring, ceilings, and roofing. If you renovate an old home or purchase a commercial property, a professional asbestos inspection is essential to protect yourself and your family. For a more important source about asbestos inspection Adelaide, click here.