Using Certo to Help Pass a Drug Test

Certo, a brand of fruit pectin often used in cooking and canning, has gained attention as a potential method to help pass a drug test. While there are anecdotal reports of its effectiveness, it’s important to approach this method with caution and understand its limitations. Here’s a general overview of how some individuals claim to use Certo for a drug test:

What is Certo?

Certo is a commercial brand of fruit pectin that is commonly used as a thickening agent in making jams and jellies. It is derived from fruits and contains high levels of pectin, a type of fiber.

The Certo Method:

  • Preparation: In preparation for the drug test, you will need a packet of Certo fruit pectin, a sports drink (such as Gatorade), and water.
  • Timing: It is recommended to start the process 1 to 2 hours before the scheduled test.
  • Mixing: Dissolve the entire packet of Certo fruit pectin into a 32-ounce bottle of the sports drink. Shake well to ensure it is thoroughly mixed.
  • Hydration: Drink the entire mixture promptly. Follow it up with a few additional glasses of water over the next hour to ensure you are adequately hydrated.
  • Urinate Frequently: The idea behind using Certo is that the pectin forms a gel-like substance in your digestive system, which may potentially coat the lining of your bladder and urinary tract. This is believed to help trap drug metabolites and prevent their release into the urine. As a result, you may need to urinate frequently leading up to the test.
  • Timing the Test: It is recommended to take the drug test within 2 to 3 hours after consuming the Certo mixture. This timing is crucial, as it aims to allow the pectin to form a gel-like barrier in your urinary tract.

Important Considerations:

  • Limited Scientific Evidence: While some individuals claim success using the Certo method, it’s important to note that there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. The mechanism by which Certo may help pass a drug test is not well-understood or scientifically validated.
  • Variables and Individual Differences: The effectiveness of the Certo method may vary depending on various factors, including the type of drug used, frequency of use, individual metabolism, and the sensitivity of the drug test. It may work for some individuals and not for others.
  • Risk of False Negatives: It’s crucial to remember that using any method to mask or tamper with a drug test may be considered fraudulent and can have legal consequences. Moreover, even if the Certo method appears to help you pass the test, it does not guarantee accuracy or reliability of the results. False negatives can occur, giving a false sense of security.
  • Health and Safety: Prioritize your health and well-being. Drinking excessive amounts of fluids, including the Certo mixture, can lead to electrolyte imbalances and other health complications. It’s important to stay within a reasonable and safe range of fluid intake.


The Certo method is a popular topic of discussion among individuals seeking ways to pass a drug test. While some individuals claim success with this method, it’s important to approach it with caution, as there is limited scientific evidence to support its effectiveness. The best approach is to consider your unique circumstances, consult with a healthcare professional if needed, and comply with the guidelines and regulations of the drug test.